Write Your Way Home is the Home of Journal Therapy for frum women, in which you will discover the transformative power of therapeutic writing. Write Your Way Home is spearheaded and facilitated by Yocheved Rottenberg, Certified Journal Facilitator.
Write your way through healing traumas and childhood wounds, resolving relationship struggles, and exploring your inner blocks.
Get acquainted with your hidden parts through writing exercises that are expressive, introspective and creative.
Write Your Way Home features bestselling books, life-changing live and recorded workshops, and an incredible card deck - “Write Now!”.

It all begins when Yocheved discovers that writing through the steep upward climb of life helps her be connected to herself and Hashem in a deep and calming way.
Yocheved trains at Yanar Institute and becomes a Certified Guidance Counselor.
Yocheved trains in Internal Family Systems therapy at the Israeli Institute for IFS.
Yocheved trains as a Journal to the Self Instructor at the Center for Journal Therapy and as a Certified Journal Facilitator at the Therapeutic Writing Institute.
Write Your Way Home is born with a mission to help women rediscover, and heal, their inner world.
Originally classes took place in Yerushalayim, but women worldwide are thirsting for a live online course. Wanting to help every Jewish woman, international zoom classes begin.
The life-changing book, Write Your Way Home, is published and it is soon a best-seller read and used by thousands of women and groups around the world.
As the popularity of the classes are growing, requests for remote classes are coming in from around the world. Write Your Way Home is featured in many magazines. See "Media" tab.
Due to demand, pre-recorded online courses are added to Write Your Way Home. Classes are now more accessible than ever.
Write Your Way Through Elul transforms thousands of people's Elul into an experience of growth like never before.
The Nurtured Heart Approach is integrated into WYWH classes and Yocheved becomes a Certified Practitioner and Certified Trainer.
The WRITE NOW! Card deck is produced as an inspirational tool to help create change using NH techniques and Torah sources.
The WYWH Community grows exponentially and the women on the email list are treated to an inspirational and practical Rosh Chodesh email each month.
Yocheved integrates trauma-informed therapy and trains in Attuned Integrative Reconsolidation which is a model of integrating bilateral stimulation (EMDR) into an IFS process. This is integrated into both private sessions and in course work.
Stay tuned for more exciting and innovative therapeutic writing mediums soon be offered!